Framed dental certificates are another easy guise to mislead patients. Almost any organization or continuing education course rewards its members and attendees with an impressive looking certificate.
When framed and displayed in a professional office it has the appearance of genuine certificates obtained through rigorous training in formal residency programs.
Only accredited dental and medical schools can award specialty certificates. The institution name must appear on the certificate. One of the names of the nine dental specialties must also appear on that certificate for a doctor to have “specialty” credentials.
In reviewing the credentials of a “Cosmetic Dentist”, I believe it is important to reflect on the meaning of the term “cosmetic,” which is often used to describe a process that is decorative rather than functional, or just superficial, lacking depth or significance.
You should be seeking dental techniques and solutions that are founded in formal training, expertise, and integrity when the long term health and comfort of your own mouth is at issue or at risk. Lasting solutions that inspire confidence and make you feel and function as good as you look, that’s something that goes deeper than just cosmetic, and something worth smiling about.
The American Dental Association website can be used to help patients assure themselves of the truth about their dentist’s training.
Educated consumers with advanced dental needs should seek treatment by a true dental specialist… a prosthodontist.
You can visit the following website to find a true dental specialist, formally educated to handle complex and comprehensive dental treatments: