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This patient had been wearing an upper denture and had lower failing teeth for 20 years. Not how unattractive her smile. The upper tooth display is poor and the tooth shape is wrong.
Fully animated smile.
Smile close-up.
Close-up of lower failing teeth.
Panoramic x-ray, pre-operative. The upper bone is highly resorbed (lacking). The lower teeth have held the bone. We treatment plan her for mini implants to control cost.
At the conclusion of the surgery, teeth were extracted, implants placed, and tissue closed with stitches.
Panoramic x-ray of the mini implants, immediately post-surgery.
On the day of surgery, the patient goes home with a temporary lower denture and her previous upper denture.
After six weeks of healing, the implants are ready for connection. The redness is due to the patient wearing the denture 24 hours per day. We recommend removing the denture a few hours per day for optimum tissue heal. Most people accomplish this by removing them during sleeping hours.
New upper complete denture with lower mini implant overdenture.
New smile.
Full face, full smile.
Full face, animated smile.
Comparison smiles. Note the amazing change between before and after! This comparison shows what can be done when the tooth display and tooth shape are correct.