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Frontal close up view of worn down teeth. Note the amount of overlap of the front teeth caused by a lifetime of grinding. This is called loss of "vertical dimension of occlusion". Restoring this dimension (bite raising) helps restore a more youthful appearance and gives room to add back the missing tooth structure lost from grinding.

Mouth open view of worn down teeth. Dental wear is most frequently caused by tooth grinding. Tooth grinding is a very common human habit. Many children grind their teeth, somewhat dispelling the idea of "stress" be a causative factor in grinding. Stress can cause grinders to grind more, and over several decades this can lead to severely worn teeth like you see here.

Post-treatment, frontal view of restored mouth. Note the breathtaking color and shape of the new porcelain crowns. A very skilled laboratory technician is a true artist who uses a layer technique to create the illusion of internal character, light diffraction and translucency. There is no reason that your new crowns should ever look like crowns. Man-made crowns should look like beautiful teeth.