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Pre-op, Panoramic x-ray. Note: Excellent bone throughout.
Pre-op, frontal full-face in repose (at rest).
Pre-operative, full-face smile.
Pre-operative, smile.
Pre-op, lips retracted, both jaws
First surgery – all teeth extracted. Impression copings for temporary.
Upper temporary bridge.
Upper temporary bridge, lower temporary denture. Lower implants did not have adequate insertion torque (stability) for a fixed lower temporary bridge.
Post- surgical panoramic image.
A lower fixed temporary was fabricated at three months. This is a picture of the “Facebow transfer” which gives us insight into the occlusal plane (level with pupils) and the midline.
Once everything had healed, we start the process with impressions/ records and try-in. This is the picture of the wax try-in on the cast.
Prototype try-in, frontal repose.
Prototype try-in smile.
Prototype try-in full face smile.
Prototype try-in frontal lips retracted.
Permanent implant bridges on articulator, frontal.
Upper implant bridge on cast – frontal view.
Upper implant bridge on cast – occlusal view.
Lower implant prosthesis on cast – occlusal view.
Upper cast, off model showing “convex” tissue contours.
Upper implant bridge - tissue view.
Lower implant prosthesis – tissue view.
Occlusal, mirror view upper. Upper soft tissue development. Amazing tissue response.
Frontal view upper. Upper soft tissue development. Amazing tissue response.
Occlusal view of lower soft tissue.
Frontal view of lower soft tissue.
Upper implant bridge – occlusal view.
Lower implant bridge – occlusal view.
Both restorations in place – frontal view, lips retracted.
Both restorations in place – right lateral view, lips retracted.
Both restorations in place – right lateral view, lips retracted.
Both restorations in place – smile.
Post-treatment panoramic image.
Post-treatment portrait smile.